Fly Fishing Charters

$375 for 4 hours 1-2 anglers
$475 for 6 hours 1-2 anglers

Sarasota offers visiting fly anglers a chance to catch a variety of species. Any fish that will chase a lure will also take a fly. Captain Jim provides Orvis tackle but clients are certainly welcome to bring along their own gear and flies. Spanish mackerel, bluefish, speckled trout, jacks, and ladyfish are commonly caught on fly fishing charters when drifting the lush grass flats of Sarasota Bay. 7wt to 9wt outfits with an intermediate sink tip line and a Clouser Minnow fly the most effective combination. Snook and jacks can be targeted along shoreline structure and up in the creeks and canals in the cooler months. Fly fishing for false albacore and Spanish mackerel can be terrific sport in the spring and fall when conditions dictate.